L.A. Guns - Crystal Eyes
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To be seen, you must fight with the ignorance. To be heard, you have to defeat boredom. To be loved, it's imperative to let desire burst out. A lot of untold stories hide beneath these two blue wonders. And an enormous amount of desire, somehow hidden. Not only the desire to love, but to be free and fly as well. Inside I see a struggle with flaws. A desire of perfection. After all, blue eyes are unbearably impecable. A bluish desire is far more beautiful than the temptations that humans often fall for. It's to serene to be considered a sin.
hello again! i think this one is Channing Tatum. sa-mi zici dak gresesc:D
RăspundețiȘtergerei-ai descris foarte frumos!recunoaste aceste cuvinte pana si sufletul meu prea mut ca sa se poata exprima singur:*:*:* pe data viitoare